The Importance of Annual or 6-month Exams
So it was time for Belle’s 6-month exam this month. I put it off for as long as I could because I know how much she hates going to the vet. But finally, I could avoid it no longer. Christmas is just days away and the vet’s office was closing soon. I wanted to get her in before the holidays.
I loaded her into my car and we headed out for her appointment. She was happy to get in the car (she always thinks we’re going on some great adventure), but she was not happy as soon as she saw where we stopped. The second I walked her into the vet’s office she started shaking and trying to hide behind me. This dog has one heck of a memory!
They put us in one of the exam rooms which has two wooden chairs. I sat down and Belle promptly hid underneath the chairs. She also got behind my legs to hide as soon as the technicians entered the room. She is so scared at the vet’s office that she behaves perfectly well. I always tell the vets that if they met her on the street, they would not be able to get close to her. But in the vet’s office she lets them pick her up, pet her, and get awfully close to her face.
One of the vet assistants made a comment about her fear of the doctor while he was giving her the dreaded fecal exam. “If I had to have one of these every time I went to the doctor, I would hate coming here too.” My reply? “Well, just wait a few years, then you’ll have to worry about a colonoscopy.” Yes, I really did say this. Sigh, sometimes I don’t think before I talk…..
Anyway, the point of this whole story is, no matter how unpleasant it is for you or your dog, getting regular checkups and vaccinations for your dog is an important part of owning a pet. Although this is important for all dogs it is especially important if your dog is in contact with other dogs – by staying at a kennel or visiting a groomer. Making sure that they are healthy and are up on their vaccinations can ease your mind and keep your dog around for many years.