We got the results back from Belle’s minor surgery this past Monday. The skin growth was benign. Yay!
Now she has a few stitches, but she has been doing well and is not scratching or biting at them. She licks them occasionally, but I’m trying to keep an eye on that and prevent her from irritating the location.
The blood work came back normal and there was no sign of infection in her urine sample either. The veterinarian and I discussed the frequent urination problem that she has been having. He recommended that I begin measuring her water intake. If she is drinking more than six cups of water a day (based on her weight), then this may be an indication of other problems.
This is day three of me measuring the amount of water I am giving Belle and how much she is drinking. She has not drunk more than three cups of water each day, which I think is a good sign.
Her requests to go outside to use the bathroom were very frequent on Tuesday (about 5 times in two hours one evening), but seem to have lessened as the week goes on. I suspect it may be a bit of a boredom and lack of exercise problem, since I haven’t been walking her much at all due to my illness and the really cold weather.
I’m going to begin to walk her more, especially since the weather is warming up, and see if that helps the problem. I will need to take it easy for another week though, due to the stitches in Belle’s stomach.